【職場新氣象】研究:一半受訪Z世代嚮往成為企業家 Research suggests half of the surveyed Gen Z aspires to become entrepreneurs

【職場新氣象】研究:一半受訪Z世代嚮往成為企業家 Research suggests half of the surveyed Gen Z aspires to become entrepreneurs

現今世代日新月異,傳統的朝九晚五工作模式似乎已經不再符合Z世代的期望,他們追求更多的自由和對世界的影響力。因此,越來越多的Z世代選擇走出固定的工作模式,追求自己的事業和夢想。根據Samsung和Morning Consult的最新報告,有一半的受訪Z世代嚮往成為企業家,開創自己的業務版圖。但他們為什麼會有這樣的選擇呢?

  1. 追求自主與自由:疫情期間,許多線上創業和非傳統職業討論激發了Z世代的想像力。他們不再視全職工作為唯一出路,也不再滿足於固定的工作模式,更重視自我主宰的職業生涯。對Z世代而言,工作不再僅僅是為了生計,更多的是追求工作和生活平衡。他們希望能夠自主設計自己的職業生涯,按照自己的步調生活。
  2. 受社交媒體影響:在TikTok、Instagram和YouTube等社交平台的驅動下,「創作者經濟」崛起。許多Z世代看到只要有熱情和創意,就能通過這些平台賺錢和實現自己的夢想。
  3. 翻轉傳統思維:在Z世代眼中,自己成為老闆,有可能會帶來更多的成就感。這一代的年輕人不願意被束縛,他們希望能夠立刻實現自己的夢想,不願等待機會的到來。他們不願意等待攀爬企業階梯,也不願意被框定在既定的模式中。對他們而言,擁有工具和機會,為何不現在就追求夢想?


In this ever-changing era, the traditional 9 to 5 work model no longer seems to align with the expectations of Generation Z. They are seeking more freedom and the ability to make an impact on the world. Consequently, more and more of Gen Z are choosing to move away from fixed working patterns and pursue their career dreams. According to a recent report by Samsung and Morning Consult, half of the surveyed Gen Z aspires to become entrepreneurs and establish their own business territories. But why do they make this choice?

  1. Seeking Autonomy and Freedom: During the pandemic, many discussions about online startups and unconventional careers ignited their imagination. They no longer see full-time employment as the only path, nor are they satisfied with fixed working models. They prioritize a career that they can control. For Gen Z, work isn't just about making a living, but more about achieving work-life balance. They hope to design their own career paths and live at their own pace.
  2. Influenced by Social Media: Driven by platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, the "creator economy" is on the rise. Many Gen Zers see that with passion and creativity, they can monetize on these platforms and achieve their dreams.
  3. Challenging Traditional Thinking: In their view, becoming their own boss might bring a greater sense of accomplishment. This generation of young people doesn't want to be tied down. They hope to realize their dreams immediately and are unwilling to wait for opportunities. They don't want to wait to climb the corporate ladder and don't want to be confined to predefined patterns. For them, with the tools and opportunities available, why not pursue dreams now?

Becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task, but for Gen Z, such challenges also represent opportunities and possibilities. In this era full of uncertainties, Gen Z chooses to seize their future and pursue their true self-worth.

