By Business Digest Editorial2024-02-20 09:44

【職場新氣象】Z世代將成職場新力軍:Gen Z改變職場的8大趨勢 Gen Z will become the new main force in the workplace: 8 major trends of how Gen Z is changing the workplace

By Business Digest Editorial2024-02-16 09:48

據Glassdoor的最新分析,預計到2024年,1996至2010年間出生的Z世代(Gen Z)將取代嬰兒潮世代,成為職場的新力軍。

【職場新氣象】研究:一半受訪Z世代嚮往成為企業家 Research suggests half of the surveyed Gen Z aspires to become entrepreneurs

By Business Digest Editorial2023-11-01 09:25


【職場智慧】吸引Gen Z的新戰略,企業該如何準備?

By Business Digest Editorial2023-09-19 08:36

隨著Gen Z群體陸續進入職場,這是一群對人生有獨特想法和追求的年輕人。

【商業熱話】Z世代持續影響職場生態 Generation Z continues to impact the workplace ecosystem

By Business Digest Editorial2023-05-30 10:30
