【人工智能】報告:港知識型員工88%用AI 高於全球平均 Report: 88% of Knowledge Workers in Hong Kong Use Generative AI At Work, Higher Than Global Average

【人工智能】報告:港知識型員工88%用AI 高於全球平均


《2024年工作趨勢指數》的調查涵蓋了全球 31 個國家及地區約 3.1 萬人,分析了LinkedIn上的就業市場趨勢、Microsoft 365的生產力訊息,以及財富500強企業情況。在香港,有1000名知識型員工參與今次研究。

員工使用自備AI工具 成安全隱患





Microsoft and LinkedIn released the 2024 Work Trend Index, a joint report on the state of AI, revealing the impact of generative AI on work, leadership, and hiring practices globally after a year of development. The report shows that 88% of knowledge workers in Hong Kong are enthusiastic about using generative AI in their jobs, a rate higher than the global average of 75% and the Asia-Pacific average of 83%.

The "2024 Work Trend Index" covered approximately 31,000 individuals across 31 countries and regions, analyzing LinkedIn's employment market trends, Microsoft 365 productivity data, and Fortune 500 company scenarios. In Hong Kong, 1,000 knowledge workers participated in the study.

Employees BYOAI Pose Security Risks

Many business leaders recognize the importance of AI, with 85% of Hong Kong business leaders agreeing that AI adoption is crucial for maintaining competitiveness. However, 66% are concerned that their companies lack plans and vision for implementing AI. In contrast, employees are not waiting for company AI deployment and are bringing their own AI tools into their work. Notably, 86% of AI users in Hong Kong bring their own tool to work – Bring Your Own AI (BYOAI), which exposes corporate data to security threats. This situation highlights the disparity between companies and employees in AI usage and indicates that companies are lagging behind their envisioned AI deployment goals.

Furthermore, only 23% of active AI users in Hong Kong reported hearing their CEOs discuss the importance of using generative AI at work, and a mere 14% received AI training tailored to their roles or functions, both figures significantly lower than the global averages.

Cally Chan, General Manager of Microsoft Hong Kong and Macau, suggests that companies should adopt enterprise-grade AI solutions to mitigate the data security risks posed by employees using personal AI tools. Additionally, companies should accelerate their AI transformation to stay competitive. From a ROI perspective, businesses can start by nurturing a group of active AI users as a key cohort and simultaneously provide AI tools and comprehensive training for all employees.

Mei Mei Ng, General Manager and Head of Talent Solutions at LinkedIn Hong Kong and Taiwan, discussed the impact of AI skills on recruitment. She noted that 77% of Hong Kong leaders prefer candidates who are less experienced yet with AI skills, over those who are experienced but lack AI skills. Additionally, 65% of leaders stated they would not hire candidates without AI skills. Ng emphasized that with the advent of generative AI tools, employees need to equip themselves to adapt to the changing demands of the job market.

