【職場智慧】5大培養成長性心態的策略助你在職場上脫穎而出 5 Strategies for Developing a Growth Mindset to Stand Out in the Workplace
商業智慧高盛(Goldman Sachs)人才策略主管Shekhinah Bass認為,成功的核心軟技能不是具創意或自信態度,而是「成長型心態」。具有這種心態的人渴望學習新技能,樂於接受和反饋。
- 認識和珍惜自己的天賦
- 接受挑戰和失敗,視它們為學習和成長的機會
- 從他人的成功和失敗中學習
- 創建正面的環境,圍繞著支持你目標的人
- 投資於個人發展,如網上課程、讀書和尋找導師等
Shekhinah Bass, the Talent Strategy Director at Goldman Sachs, believes that the core soft skill for success isn't creative deal-making or a confident attitude, but a "growth mindset." Individuals with this mindset are eager to learn new skills, embrace challenges, and act on feedback.
The definition of a growth mindset is to view one's abilities, talents, and knowledge as skills that can continually develop and improve, in contrast to a fixed mindset. Bass suggests that when you respond positively to feedback from your superiors and colleagues, it's a sign that you possess a growth mindset.
To cultivate a growth mindset in the workplace, you need to set challenging goals for yourself, be willing to take risks, and seek feedback and guidance from others. Here are five strategies for developing a growth mindset:
- Recognize and cherish your talents
- Embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for learning and growth
- Learn from the successes and failures of others
- Create a positive environment surrounded by people who support your goals
- Invest in personal development, such as online courses, reading, and seeking mentors
Research shows that individuals with a growth mindset are more effective in achieving goals and learning new skills. Moreover, it's a skill that many companies value highly during recruitment. For those who strive for continuous improvement, a growth mindset is considered the most effective thinking pattern and a key skill that every company is searching for.