【商業熱話】Z世代持續影響職場生態 Generation Z continues to impact the workplace ecosystem
Z世代是指出生於1997年至2010年的人口,是人類歷史上最多樣化、最受教育和技術熟練的一代。根據Oliver Wyman Forum及The News Movement對美國和英國的一萬名Z世代進行為期兩年的調查發現,疫情對他們的人生產生了嚴重影響,但他們比以往更強大和更務實,並堅決要求尋找符合自身價值觀的職業。
A survey by the human resources company Paychex reveals that only Generation Z is showing a growth trend. The report indicates that as more members of Generation Z seek full-time and long-term positions, Generation X is starting to retire, and the millennial generation is entering its peak earning years, resulting in a transformation of the workforce composition.
Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2010, is the most diverse, educated, and technologically skilled generation in human history. A two-year survey conducted by Oliver Wyman Forum and The News Movement, involving 10,000 members of Generation Z in the United States and the United Kingdom, shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on their lives. However, they are stronger and more pragmatic than ever before, and they are determined to seek careers that align with their values.
Generation Z expects fair compensation, inclusive policies, and transparency. If companies fail to deliver on these aspects, they will leave. They will urge employers to establish company goals that promote a better society and place equal importance on the company's mission and profits. They will consistently advocate for pay equality and a truly diverse and inclusive corporate culture that fosters a sense of belonging. The adoption of emerging technologies by Generation Z will compel leadership to invest in technologies that enhance work efficiency. They will also drive hybrid and remote work arrangements, as well as four-day workweeks.
Compared to previous generations, Generation Z is more willing to discuss health-related topics. They value whether a company provides benefits that help alleviate stress, such as relaxation days and vacation policies. Nearly one-third of them stated that they would spend more time in the office if there were amenities like meditation rooms and massage chairs. They will motivate leadership to prioritise employees' mental health and provide relevant employee benefits.
For businesses to retain Generation Z talent, the most crucial aspect to change and adapt to is meeting their demand for instant gratification. Providing rewards and benefits that recognize Generation Z's performance, such as gift cards, cash incentives, and vacations, will keep them happy and encourage them to stay in one place.
Employers need to develop recruitment and retention strategies that prioritise Generation Z, fully showcasing the unique contributions this group brings.