【職場新氣象】Z世代將成職場新力軍:Gen Z改變職場的8大趨勢 Gen Z will become the new main force in the workplace: 8 major trends of how Gen Z is changing the workplace

【職場新氣象】Z世代將成職場新力軍:Gen Z改變職場的8大趨勢 Gen Z will become the new main force in the workplace: 8 major trends of how Gen Z is changing the workplace

據Glassdoor的最新分析,預計到2024年,1996至2010年間出生的Z世代(Gen Z)將取代嬰兒潮世代,成為職場的新力軍。他們帶著與前幾代截然不同的價值觀、行為模式和期望步入職場。史丹福大學高級研究學者Roberta Katz與研究團隊進行了一項多年的大型研究,深入探討了Z世代的核心價值及其背後的原因,以下是Z世代將如何改變職場的八大趨勢:

  1. 期待變革:Z世代成長於一個技術迅猛發展、社會經驗重塑的時代,對他們而言,動盪和無常是常態而非例外。這使得他們學會了靈活應對轉變,也養成了質疑現狀、探索新思維的特質。
  2. 追求實用主義:Z世代擁有強烈的自我驅動力。他們不會盲目接受權威,而是喜歡自己尋找答案,並勇於挑戰既定的做事方式。他們對於工作方式的挑戰,反映了一種基於理解而非盲從的思維模式。對於領導者來說,Z世代不再是單純的追隨者,而是需要理解和會提出質疑的合作夥伴。
  3. 追求影響力:Z世代也追求使命感,他們不僅期待改變,更要求實現改變。面對氣候變化、不平等、種族不公等複雜問題,他們渴望為世界帶來正面影響,並期望所在的組織能夠響應這些挑戰。
  4. 重視合作與團隊精神:Z世代在數碼世界中成長,通過社交媒體和網絡社群建立身份認同和聯結,強調集體付出和團隊精神。
  5. 尋求共識導向的領導:Z世代期望領導者能夠通過共識來引導團隊,他們反對階級制度,傾向於專業或特定任務為導向的領導模式,強調透明度和共識決策。
  6. 關注工作與生活平衡:對Z世代而言,工作不應該是生活的全部。他們認識到人生價值遠不止工作,追求心理和身體健康的平衡。
  7. 對忠誠度的新看法:在忠誠度方面,Z世代的看法也有所不同。他們更傾向於創業精神,而非傳統的長期僱傭關係。
  8. 重視信任和真實性:對Z世代而言,誠實和開放是溝通的基石,他們期望僱主能夠對不同的工作方法持開放態度。他們相信真誠的交流和行動一致是建立信任的關鍵。


According to the latest analysis by Glassdoor, it is expected that Generation Z, born between 1996 and 2010, will surpass the Baby Boomer generation in 2024, becoming the new main force in the workplace. They enter the workforce with values, behavior patterns, and expectations that are drastically different from previous generations. Roberta Katz, a senior research scholar at Stanford University, and her research team conducted a years-long, large-scale study to deeply explore the core values of Generation Z and the reasons behind them. Below are the eight major trends on how Gen Z will change the workplace:

  1. Expecting Change: Gen Z grew up in an era of rapid technological development and reshaping social experiences, where turmoil and impermanence are the norm rather than the exception. This has taught them to be flexible and developed a trait of questioning the status quo and exploring new ways of thinking.
  2. Pursuing Pragmatism: Gen Z possesses a strong sense of self drive. They do not blindly accept authority but prefer to find answers themselves and are brave enough to challenge established ways of doing things. Their approach to challenging work methods reflects a mindset based on understanding rather than blind following. For leaders, this means no longer being mere followers but partners who understand and question.
  3. Pursuing Impact: Gen Z also seeks a sense of mission; they not only expect change but demand it. Faced with complex issues such as climate change, inequality, and racial injustice, they desire to make a positive impact on the world and expect their organizations to respond to these challenges.
  4. Valuing Cooperation and Team Spirit: Gen Z grew up in the digital world, establishing identities and connections through social media and online communities, emphasizing collective contribution and team spirit.
  5. Seeking ConsensusOriented Leadership: Gen Z expects leaders to guide through consensus. They oppose hierarchical systems, preferring leadership models that are professional or taskspecific, emphasizing transparency and consensus decisionmaking.
  6. Focusing on WorkLife Balance: For Gen Z, work should not be all of life. They recognize that the value of life extends far beyond work, seeking a balance of mental and physical health.
  7. A New View on Loyalty: Gen Z's view on loyalty also differs. They lean more towards an entrepreneurial spirit rather than traditional longterm employment relationships.
  8. Valuing Trust and Authenticity: For Gen Z, honesty and openness are the cornerstones of communication. They expect employers to be open to different ways of working. They believe that sincere communication and consistency in actions are key to building trust.

As Gen Z gradually becomes the main force in the workplace, businesses and leaders need to prepare for these changes, ready to explore new ways to grow together with this generation with an open mind.

